Wednesday, April 26, 2006
When I was a wee lodd I remember having a infatuation with ninjas. I still think that they way ripping. But when I was a kid. .. Wanna play footbal? How about a baseball? Not evan a soccer ball? I tried it all. How about a little bit of Take this job and shove it i wanna be a ninja! So I signed up for Karate classes with my old man AKA Pappa Charnow to guide me. This was some true father son bonding time I was about 7 or 8 years old, I was stoked.
A few years later a little concepts call Mortal Kombat was announced to the world. First the game. . . Mortal Kombat 1 then 2 then the MOVIE??? Why Not ! This movie was only going to bring the young Don closer to his now Ninja Kicking Pappa Charnow that much closer. The movie was and still is fucking amazing cutting edge to a T. How ripping is Johnny Cage, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Reptile and Rayden? over 10 years have passed since Mortal Kombat was premiered in 1995. I no longer studing martial arts but still share an ever growing guilty pleasure for them. Pappa Charnow on the other hand used it as his vise to Karate Chop and Kick his way into his newly found love for Rebellion. This is a more stylish fashion for him. Pappa Charnow rides a Hog. He rips and roars the streets from 760 to the 310 and beyond. So to sum it all up in one sentence Pappa Charnow is at a cutting age level that most of us will never reach. He drink alot, eats whatever he dambed pleases, checks his email on the regs., does NOT pass on grass, Will flying Judo kick your teeth in 6 ways till Sunday then Ride away into the sun set on his Hog.

Monday, April 24, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I feel like I was left to figure out things for myself. I was the youngst of 4 so I don't blame anyone. Pappa Charnow and his Lady just wanted to get down. . . They didn't want to wast any more time on being a parent. I think they just figured "Been their done that, we have 3 others to show him what's up." Well that's not how it worked out. Nobody told me shit. I'm still pretty clueless on shit. But here is what I put together so far.

When you are in love this is what you do. Man on Woman. Man on Man. Woman on Man Woman on Woman. . .and so on. whatever tickles your fancy.

Nine months after you have completed step one you are born and this is what you look like with way less hair. Your a Babby! Cute huh?

Your now a little Lodd. You are learning new things and your body starts to change and you don't really have any responcibility. It's pretty sweet.

Now your old and it's pretty much a make or break situation. Your eithor killing it at life or sucking really bad. To say it more simple would you rather be Michale Jackson from Thriller or be Michael Jackson 2006?

Then Your 86ed.

After you die your in heaven with God or Morrissey. Same fucking difference.
I don't even need to explains why the Kimster is so hard. She has the fastest noggle in the West. Can successfully complete beer bongs while in mid jump road. And most importantly can fucking run lap's around you on the dance floor. So I'm not even going to say anything else so you get right out of town !!!

Saturday, April 15, 2006
Well I have gotten high on beer once or twice in my day, but not like this. The eye of the digitas motion stopper was in attendence to catch all the action. I walked into the house and to my shocking supprise people were doing beer. Empty cans lay out on the table, the floor and evan out side on the ground. I was shocked. I have never seen people all hopped up on adult sodas such as this. The rovolution was about to begin. Jump roap + Skelleton beer bong = Cutting Age kimmy. Hoola Hoop + JFK (Jeff Fucking kybosh) * Crazy Eddie = Why the fuck not?

Tuesday, April 04, 2006